
the UCI chess engine from the Czech Republic

22. 07. 2015

The author

Martin Sedlák, born 1979 in Brno, Czech Republic. He studied gymnasium and now he has a job as programming engineer.
He began with chess programming in 2006 and the engine Cheng3 represents about three years of development.

Martin Sedlák se narodil v roce 1979 v Brně, vystudoval gymnázium a pracuje jako programátor.
Se šachovým programováním začal v roce 2006, na motoru Cheng pracuje asi tři roky.


Cheng 4 ver. 0.39  07/2015
Number of downloads of the latest version:  8803

Cheng 4 ver. 0.38  01/2015

Cheng 4 ver. 0,36c  01/2014  ver 0.36c The latest version include sources.

Cheng 4 ver. 0,36a  10/2013  ver 0.36a see readme after download it, 28.12.2013 removed opening book

Cheng3 ver. 1.07    01/2012    include sources
Small changes +30 ELO, personalities, Linux,OSX (Intel 64bit only)
Cheng 1.07 for Android (Compiled by Jim Ablett)

Cheng3 ver. 1.06    11/2011    include sources